Many projects or developments fall at the hurdle of getting the funds needed to complete their project or realise their dream. In most cases this is less about you and your project and more about which lender is approached for funding. There are many lenders who will provide development finance but there are far fewer who specialise in development and refurbishment finance and even fewer who truly understand the challenges developments from a Single house build right up to the huge transhipment warehouses and all points in between. Finding the right lender who can, not only fund your project but is able to work with you is fundamental to making most projects work.

At Jefferson Finance we work with a group of specialist lenders who have an extensive track record across all types of development in all sorts of circumstances. Our packaging of deals for lenders consideration usually enables us to get you the best deal to get your build done.



It would be great to hear about your project and how we can help so give either Simon or Nick and call on 01926 969110 or for further details please get in touch via our contact page.